The main goal of education should no longer be only to transmit knowledge, but to choose new paths that aim to unleash human potential.

Course Montessori 3-6
750 hours of training
AMI coaches
AMI Poland
Zarejestruj się
Aby zarejestrować się na kurs wystarczy przesłać podpisany formularz zgłoszeniowy na adres: Rejestracja zostanie bezzwłocznie potwierdzona. Formularz zgłoszeniowy znajduje się w zakładce Zgłoszenie.
"The AMI course is an intensive learning experience, but also a transformation that allows you to become a real Montessori teacher." - Anna, Szwecja
Read about AMI PolandAlbums document the work done by the student. They contain instructions for using the materials with illustrations. Completing them is an essential part of the course.
The course program includes an appropriate number of hours for practical exercises material under the supervision of a trainer. This form of work prepares the student for better results fulfilling the role of a Montessori guide for children between 3 and 6 years of age.
After completing the course, the student takes a written and oral exam.
Obecność na min. 90% zajęć jest obowiązkowa do ukończenia kursu.